Saturday, July 18, 2009

So, You Think You Want A Shih Tzu?

If you have never owned a Shih Tzu, there are several factors to consider before making the decision to purchase a Shih Tzu puppy. Although Shih Tzu are wonderful pets to own, they are definitely not for everyone. Some potential owners are attracted to the Shih Tzu because of its beautiful coat, but this quality can end up being very difficult to handle for the average dog owner. Shih Tzu require brushing and combing at least every other day. To maintain a full coat, weekly baths and blow drying are essential. A clean coat grows more quickly than a dirty one. Even if you decide to keep your pet's coat clipped, they will still require regular brushing and a bath every couple of weeks. Shih Tzu grow very fine soft hair in their ears which should be removed to prevent ear infections and to maintain good health. Therefore, a trip to the groomer at least every 2 months is required. Shih Tzu have many admirable traits but it is perhaps the breed's temperament that is so remarkable. The Shih Tzu may even be loving and trusting to a fault. They are not a "street-wise" breed and may not understand that someone may not like them or that something bad might happen to them. They may be slow to recognize aggression from other dogs or animals and will most likely walk up to any dog, going nose to nose, wagging their tails.

Another attractive Shih Tzu quality is that, although they are small, they are tough and sturdy. They are like big dogs in small packages but they don't require a ton of exercise. Shih Tzu enjoy their walks but they don't require a lot of activity. They are ready to play when you are, but they are also adept at amusing themselves. Even as they get older, Shih Tzu will still love their balls, squeakies and other toys. Although the Shih Tzu can survive (barely) without loads of attention . . . they just eat it up when it's there!

Shih Tzu are not outdoor dogs. They are very sensitive to extreme temperatures, especially heat, and can suffer heat stroke quite easily. While they will be able to play outdoors during the cool hours of the morning or evening, Shih Tzu won't be able to endure much more than a quick "potty" trip outdoors during the heat of the day when temperatures exceed 70 to 75 degrees. Although cold weather is not quite as dangerous to their health, they don't particularly care for temperatures below 45 to 50 degrees.

Invariably I am asked how much I think a puppy will weigh as an adult. If you ask five different breeders, you will probably get five different answers, but the best answer I can give prior to eight weeks of age is "I don't know!". Quite often the smallest baby in the litter will overtake its littermates to be the largest (or close to it) in the litter! Even at eight weeks old, the best I can do is make an educated guess based on the sizes of the parents and the puppy's current weight. The general (and I mean VERY general) rule of thumb is that a female puppy's weight at eight weeks can be multiplied by 3.5 and a male puppy's weight at eight weeks can be multiplied by 4 to get an idea of what it will weigh at adulthood. There are several factors though that can influence this greatly, including the quality and quantity of food given during the first year.

Shih Tzu are well know for their independent, hard-headed nature and can be a real challenge when it comes to house-breaking (particularly the girls!). Crating training your new puppy will be the most successful method. If you can't stand being away from your baby at night, place the crate next to your bed. Above all, be consistent, patient and kind . . . praise works MUCH more effectively than punishment with this breed. It won't take long for your puppy to get the idea. Then you can move the crate to storage or use it as the puppy's sleeping quarters (which he or she will greatly appreciate) and your little munchkin can have the run of the house.

Breeders are a dime a dozen and it is often very confusing to new puppy buyers when selecting their puppy. I recommend that you read this article on "What Is A Breeder" by a well-known breeder of Shih Tzu babies. If you don't find what you are looking for here, then maybe you will find it with Linda!

Find out more at Britteli Shih Tzus

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